Cub Council

Who we are!

The only council Grade 9’s are able to join! We take on a team of students from Grade 9 through an application process and mentor them. They learn leadership, organizational, and teamwork skills. We also welcome the entire grade and help them adapt to the new high school setting and get involved through many different events that we hold. Entering high school is not an easy task and we’re here to help in any way!

Why should YOU join?

Cub Council acts out “The Little Way” of St. Therese through the events that we host. Nothing would be possible without the great executive team who plan and carry out the events and activities. If you are interested in helping and making a difference in someone's life then Cub Council is for you!


- Pizza Paws (all of grade 9)
- Exam Preparation Workshop (all of grade 9)
- Council Information Workshop (all of grade 9)
- School Scavenger Hunt (council Grade 9’s only)
- Proposal Writing (council Grade 9’s only)