Chaplaincy Council

Who we are!

Chaplaincy Council is made up of a group of students who are dedicated and passionate about spreading the love of Jesus Christ in our community. Our mission is to celebrate the Catholic faith and to promote St. Theresa's little way. Our council organizes liturgies throughout the year, as well as charity drives such as the Toiletries Drive and Change for Jesus. We are always looking for ways to help our brothers and sisters in the community just how Jesus taught us. We want to spread our love to those around us and serve. For anyone who is looking for ways to serve in our school community and spread the Jesus love, chaplaincy council is perfect for you!

Why should YOU join?

If you are looking for opportunities to serve in the community and spread the little way of St.Theresa, Chaplaincy Council might be the perfect fit for you! When you join our council, you are joining a family who loves working with each other, laughing with each other, and eating awesome council snacks together. Everyone on the council is super passionate in the works we do through our events. Join our council and be a part of our family if you are a leader with a passion for serving! We can't wait to meet you and work with you :)


- Opening liturgy
- Advent liturgy
- Lenten liturgy
- Catholic education week liturgy
- Closing liturgy
- Remembrance day main hall set up/decoration
- Toiletries drive
- Change for Jesus